Monday, March 9, 2009

Beyond Your Best

Over the last 5 days, I was given the opportunity to attend the Breaking Through Level I workshop. Breaking Through is a life coaching experience that takes you through a series of experiential exercises for you to come in touch with who you really are and what truly motivates and matters to you so that you can develop and implement life success strategies.

In all honesty, I would not have attended this workshop or considered it if it wasn't for the fact that for the first time they offered the five day seminar free of charge. I went with an "intention" of "leaving if I didn't like it." I can now honestly say that I wish I would have done it alot sooner in my life, but believing that we all align in the universe at the right time for the right thing, it must have been perfect timing.

I wouldn't be fair to the company, the process or any future attendees to divulge the details of the experiences beyond what I personally gained from the activity, so I won't do that here. But, I will send to all who read this, if you have ever felt that there was something "missing" from your life experience; that you have felt fear, mistrust, dishonesty, or lack of success in any of your spiritual, physical or mental endeavors, you should consider this workshop.

After this experience I am now a strong believer in the program and more importantly the outcomes and will attend Levels II and the VIA (Vision in Action) workshops they offer.

In addition, Breaking Through offers a new program called Journey. These are 12 week experiential meetings and workshops that help you develop, implement and fully live your life's purpose.

Breaking Through is not a religion and does not present or adhere to a dogma, so no matter your spiritual, religious or current belief systems, their techniques and strategies apply.

Breaking Through is offering Level I for free again beginning May 13 through May 17. You can register at

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